․學而不思則罔;思而不學則殆∼春秋•孔子 He who learns but dose not think is loose; he who thinks dose not learn is perilous. (the spring-autumn Period/Confucius) ․腹有詩書氣自華∼宋•蘇軾 If one is well-educated, he will scintillate with it. (the Song Dynasty/Su Shi) ․傳播知識就是播種幸福∼瑞典•諾貝爾 Spreading knowledge is sowing happiness. (Sweden/Alfred Bernard Nobel) ․愚昧從來沒有給人帶來幸福;幸福的根源在於知識∼法•左拉 I gnorance can never bring anyone happiness; the source of happiness can only exist in knowledge. (France/Emile Zola) ․讀一本好書,猶如同高尚的人談話∼德國•歌德 Reading a good book is like talking with a lofty person. (Germany/Johann Wolfgang von Goethe) ․書籍是全世界的營養品。生活裡沒有書籍,就好像沒有陽光;智慧沒有書籍,就好像鳥兒沒有翅膀∼英•莎士比亞 Books are the nutrient of the whole world. A life without books is like a life without sunlight; wisdom without books is like a wingless bird. (Britain/William Shakespeare) ․一本新書像一艘船,帶領著我們從狹隘的地方,駛向生活無限寬廣的海洋∼瑞士•凱勒 A new book, just like a ship, takes us from narrow places to life’s infinite oceans as it travels. (Switzerland/Keller) |