
  He who learns but dose not think is loose; he who thinks dose not learn is perilous. (the spring-autumn Period/Confucius)


  If one is well-educated, he will scintillate with it. (the Song Dynasty/Su Shi)


  Spreading knowledge is sowing happiness. (Sweden/Alfred Bernard Nobel)


  I gnorance can never bring anyone happiness; the source of happiness can only exist in knowledge. (France/Emile Zola)


  Reading a good book is like talking with a lofty person. (Germany/Johann Wolfgang von Goethe) 


  Books are the nutrient of the whole world. A life without books is like a life without sunlight; wisdom without books is like a wingless bird. (Britain/William Shakespeare)


  A new book, just like a ship, takes us from narrow places to life’s infinite oceans as it travels. (Switzerland/Keller)